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Monday, October 21, 2019

Lost Mini Album - Never know what you'll find!!

Hey everyone!!

I was recently cleaning out a closet in one of my spare bedrooms and came across a box labeled 'Mini Albums'. WHAT??!! Where did this come from??!!

Have you ever done this before? Go on a cleaning/purging spree, box things up, throw things away, store things in various areas of the house, then go on with your life? Only to find things at a way later date like it's Christmas?! Please tell me I'm not the only one! lol

I pulled this box out and frantically ripped it open----ok...carefully ripped it open because I didn't want to tear anything inside----to find a bunch of mini albums and various things I made a long time ago.

I vaguely remember making this album. Let me know what you think of it. I was thinking about putting it up for sale for someone else to enjoy it. Since I obviously completely forgot I even had it! What would you sell it for...or better yet....what would you pay for it?

Thanks for looking/reading!

xoxo Charity

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Have a blessed day!

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